‎Necessary products:‎

  • ‎440 g zucchini‎
  • ‎40 grams green onions with feathers‎
  • ‎170 grams of yellow cheese‎ MANDRA
  • ‎150 grams of cheese‎ MANDRA
  • ‎30 grams olive oil‎
  • ‎30 grams fresh dill‎
  • ‎2 eggs‎
  • ‎salt to taste‎

‎Zucchini are weighed after both ends have been removed.One link fresh dill corresponds to 30 grams.‎

‎Method of preparation:‎

‎Cut the courgettes in length and salt them.‎
‎Drizzle a thin stream of olive oil in a 10*20 cm baking tray.‎
‎Arrange one row of zucchini.‎
‎Get your stuffing ready for the moussaka.‎
‎Crush the cow’s cheese in a bowl.‎
‎Grate the cheese in a large grater and add it to the bowl.‎
‎Cut the spring onions into wheels and the dill saturation.‎
‎Add them to the bowl with the remaining products along with the eggs.‎
‎Mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.‎
‎Spread half the mixture over the courgettes.‎
‎Arrange a second row of zucchini, and spread a second row of zucchini on them.‎
‎Water with a thin stream of olive oil and bake in a 180-degree oven.‎
‎Bake for about 45 minutes.‎
‎Have a nice appetite!‎

‎Suitable products for this recipe‎